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Mass Effect 2 (2010)

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მაკო არც მე მომწონდა

აქ ვნახოთ

ხვალიდან დავიწყებ ალბათ ამას

დლც-ები არ მაქვს დახურული

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აი ნამდვილი შეფარდი :D


ტრანსპორტები მე მაგრად მომწონს ადგილებს ნახულობ და კაი სქრინების გადაღება შეიძლება, თან რაღაც არკადული არი და კარგია მოკლედ.

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შეფარდი ცოცხალია



შეფარდი კიარა ეგ არის ყ**ფარდი. ფანატიზმი ვნებს :SNEMOTICON13:

ვერ შევირგე Overlord-ი იმ იდიოტური ჰამერჰედის გამო :SNEMOTICON13:

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აი ნამდვილი შეფარდი :D


ტრანსპორტები მე მაგრად მომწონს ადგილებს ნახულობ და კაი სქრინების გადაღება შეიძლება, თან რაღაც არკადული არი და კარგია მოკლედ.

ვინაა ეგა? :xeli:

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ეს ბიოვეარი რა სულ ცოცხალი ადამიანებისგან აკეთებს გმირებს

მორიგანი და ლელიანაც ცოცხალი იდიოტი მოდელებისგან არიან

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არა კარგია კაცო, მშვენივრად ყავთ შერჩეული ხალხი, კიდევ კარგი ვიცი ვინცაა ეხლა ეს თორემ ქუჩაში რომ მენახა კივილით გავეკიდებოდი, შეპარდ შემეხეთქო :chojinfc:

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არა კარგია კაცო, მშვენივრად ყავთ შერჩეული ხალხი, კიდევ კარგი ვიცი ვინცაა ეხლა ეს თორემ ქუჩაში რომ მენახა კივილით გავეკიდებოდი, შეპარდ შემეხეთქო :chojinfc:

ახლა ასეთია, არამგონია მაგის შეხება გინდოდეს:


ეს ცოტა ძველი:


ესეც ადრე:


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მასე გეთქვათ კაცო, დაბერებულა, მაგისი რა გითხრა და მირანდას შევეხებოდი :xelitavi:


ყველაზე მახინჯი არსება მასეფექტისსამყაროში

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პ.ს შემოსკაიპდი

ვინაა ბებერი?! მირანდაი?!!!!! :angry: (ზესტაფონური აქცენტით)

სანამ მესამე გამოვა კიდე დავხურავ ამას თავიდან.


2 ჯერ დავხურე მაშინ რაც იყო გამოსული ყველა დლცთი მარა დამეკარგა სეივები,თან ერთში 3 კაცი დამეღუპა,მეორეში არცერთი,მარა ეს მეორე me-1ის სეივებით არ მქონდა :( მე1 ის სეივები მაქ შემონახული :D

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გარუს ვაკარიანის ფაქტები


On Tuchanka, Garrus got twenty-four mating requests. There were also seven for his sniper rifle.

Garrus knows what Tali's face looks like.

Garrus Vakarian once walked down a street shirtless. There were no survivors.

Garrus chose to get hit by that gunship. He was tired of looking so damn good.

Cerberus didn't resurrect Shepard so he could save them from the Reapers. Cerberus resurrected Shepard so he could save them from Garrus Vakarian.

Morinth once had a mind-meld with Garrus Vakarian. She complained he never called her back.

Garrus once punched a Merc so hard that his great grandkids said ouch.

Garrus Vakarian doesn't need a Lazarus Project; death is too afraid of him to try anything.

The First Contact War started because baby Garrus Vakarian misplaced his rattle, and the entire turian fleet went on a rampage to find it. Facing him without it was the alternative.

Garrus Vakarian says "no" to drugs. If he said "yes", it would collapse Omega's infrastructure.

The krogan genophage doesn't actually do anything, it's just that the krogan have given up surviving knowing that Garrus Vakarian is out there waiting for them.

Garrus Vakarian doesn't need biotics; he just has to glance at things and they run away screaming.

When Garrus had surgery to cure a gunship wound to the face, the anesthesia was applied to the doctors.

If you have five credits and Garrus has five credits, Garrus has more money than you.

God offered Garrus Vakarian the gift to fly, which he swiftly declined in favor of ridiculous headshot accuracy.

Garrus knows he's in a game; he just pretends not to know.

Executor Pallin died from Garrus Vakarian giving him the finger.

Garrus once tried to use an L2 implant, but the implant couldn't handle Garrus Vakarian and it had to be taken out.

Garrus Vakarian was actually on the ground when the Virmire nuke went off. He later complained things felt too drafty.

Garrus Vakarian didn't join the Spectres because you can't break all the rules if your job doesn't have any.

If you can see Garrus Vakarian, he can see you. If you can't see Garrus Vakarian you may be only seconds away from death.

Saren only killed himself so he'd be spared the wrath of Garrus Vakarian.

When Saren learned Commander Shepard was after him, he scoffed. When he learned Garrus Vakarian was with her, he sat in the corner of his shower and cried for 3 hours.

The reapers aren't stuck in dark space. They are waiting for Garrus to die before trying to invade his galaxy.

Sovereign's first choice for an organic envoy wasn't Saren, it was Garrus Vakarian; he had to stay away from Garrus Vakarian for fear of being indoctrinated.

Harbinger thought about making a turian Reaper instead of a human one, but then remembered there was already Garrus Vakarian.

Why do krogan have 4 testicles? So they'd feel slightly less inferior to Garrus Vakarian.

In an average living room there are 1,242 objects Garrus Vakarian could use to kill you, including the room itself.

Garrus Vakarian once kicked a baby krogan into puberty.

After much debate, the Council decided to unleash the genophage on the Krogan rather than the alternative of sending Garrus Vakarian. It was deemed more "humane."

Garrus is so strong he can bend time and space.

Garrus Vakarian keeps his friends close and his enemies in scope.

The last thing you hear before a Garrus Vakarian headshot? No one knows, because dead men tell no tales.

They named the bridge he held on Omega after Garrus once he left. They had to rename it later unfortunately, because no one crosses Garrus Vakarian and lives.

Garrus Vakarian can impregnate women through headbumps alone.

70% of a human's weight is water. 70% of Garrus Vakarian's weight is his malehood.

C-Sec labels anyone attacking Garrus Vakarian as a Code 45-11.... a suicide.

Prothean experts working outside Council jurisdiction have recently conceded that, were the Reapers to exterminate life in the Galaxy, all that would remain are Vorcha and Garrus Vakarian.

Once a varren threatened to eat Garrus Vakarain. Garrus showed the varren his fist and the varren proceeded to eat himself, because it would be the less painful way to die.

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of species that Garrus Vakarian allows to live.

Once, just for fun, Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked a Garrus Vakarian headshot. The resulting explosion actually went back in time and wiped out all galactic civilization which allowed the Protheans to rise up as the lone galactic power.

On two-hundred thirty-five planets, harming the face of Garrus Vakarian is a crime worthy of immediate death. And that's why the gunship exploded.

Garrus Vakarian built a better mousetrap. Most people simply can't calibrate it correctly.

Garrus Vakarian calibrated the Omega-4 Relay.

Garrus Vakarian can calibrate a gun so well, it needs a cigarette afterward.

Garrus Vakarian can perform calibrations, while in the middle of some calibrations.

Death came to see Garrus after the rocket incident and said his time had come. Garrus looked at Death and said, "Can it wait? I'm in the middle of some calibrations."

Garrus Vakarian is not actually sleeping with Commander Shepard. She started that rumor, so the Reapers would let her win for fear of angering Garrus.

Commander Shepard can kill a krogan with a stick and a rock. Garrus Vakarian can kill a stick and a rock with a krogan.

Garrus Vakarian isn't hung like an elcor. Elcor are hung like Garrus Vakarian.

When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Garrus Vakarian.

Death once had "a near Garrus Vakarian experience."

Garrus Vakarian can slam revolving doors.

Garrus Vakarian does not hunt because the word "hunting" implies the probability of failure. Garrus Vakarian goes killing.

Garrus Vakarian doesnt read books. He stares them down until he gets the info he wants.

Garrus Vakarian's favorite store on the Citadel, is himself. He dishes out pain at unbelievable prices.

Garrus Vakarian cannot feel pain. He can only inflict it.

Garrus Vakarian has two speeds: walk and kill.

Garrus Vakarian doesn't step on toes. Garrus Vakarian steps on necks.

Garrus Vakarian doesn't eat. Rather, he kicks ass until he's full.

Garrus Vakarian doesn't shower, he only takes blood baths.

Garrus Vakarian frequently donates blood to the Red Cross. Just never his own.

Tali later discovered Haestrom's sun was getting so hot because it saw Garrus Vakarian without a shirt on.

Behind every successful man, there is a woman. Behind every dead man, there is Garrus Vakarian.

The Citadel once had six arms instead of five. Then there was a little incident involving Garrus Vakarian...

After taking a steroids test, doctors informed Garrus Vakarian that he had tested positive. He laughed upon receiving this information, and said, "Of course my urine tested positive, what do you think they make steroids from?"

Garrus Vakarian can delete the recycling bin.

Garrus Vakarian's calender goes straight from March 31 to April 2. No one fools Garrus Vakarian.

Kids piss their name in snow. Garrus Vakarian pisses his name in concrete.

Aria T'loak has one rule on Omega: "Don't F--k with Aria. Unless you're Garrus


Boxers were invented because Garrus Vakarian found speedos uncomfortable.

Touching Garrus Vakarian's facial scars will increase you life expectancy by 6 years. Unfortunately, the following shot to the face will reduce your life expectancy by 300. You do the math.

Garrus Vakarian invented black. In fact, he invented the entire spectrum of visible light. Including pink.

Garrus Vakarian doesn't wear or need a watch. HE decides what time it is.

There is no 'Ctrl' button on Garrus Vakarian's computer. Garrus Vakarian is always in control.

Babies cry because they know they just entered a world with Garrus Vakarian.

Garrus Vakarian's eyepiece doesn't really do anything; he just covers one of them out of fairness to everyone else.

Garrus Vakarian once sniped a man so hard, his body went back in time and hit the ground five minutes earlier.

Garrus Vakarian destroyed the periodic table, because Garrus Vakarian only recognizes the element of surprise.

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On Tuchanka, Garrus got twenty-four mating requests. There were also seven for his sniper rifle.

Garrus Vakarian once walked down a street shirtless. There were no survivors.

When Saren learned Commander Shepard was after him, he scoffed. When he learned Garrus Vakarian was with her, he sat in the corner of his shower and cried for 3 hours.

ბოლოზე ცუდად გავხდი კინაღამ :lollol: :lollol: :lollol: :lollol: :lollol:

ჩაკ ნორისი მოძველდა :D

აწი მე მხოლოდ გარუსთან ერთად ვივლი :D

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At the end of 'The Lair of the Shadow Broker' downloadable content for Mass Effect 2, you'll find a terminal with all your teammates' dossiers on it. Including information only the shadow broker could get his hands on. You will find upon reading Legion's dossier that our favorite Geth happens to be quite the gamer. You can read a list of games he downloaded and even his scores and rankings on the leaderboards. There's even a bit where he is kicked for hacking some game, but he challenges the ban, and is let back onto the servers.

ფაქტი ლეგიონზე :D:D:D:D

მაგარი კაცია :lollol:

ესეც მოცეკვავე ლეგიონი :D

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ზოგზოგიერთებს პირველის სეივები არ ქონდა მახსოვს და აი რა საიტი ვიპოვე :D


მაგარი რამეა, ყველანაირ სეივს ნახავს კაცი :D

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ლეგიონის საყვარელი თამაში :D

N7 Code of Honor: Medal of Duty:

Player Score: 15,999,999,999 (max)

Most Preferred Class: Sniper

Least Preferred Class: Melee

Sniper Rifle Kills: 200,917 since last server reset

Shotgun Kills: 3

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ზოგზოგიერთებს პირველის სეივები არ ქონდა მახსოვს და აი რა საიტი ვიპოვე :D


მაგარი რამეა, ყველანაირ სეივს ნახავს კაცი :D

აუ ეს 2-3 დღით ადრე რო მენახა მაგრად გამისწორდებოდა :D ეხლა თავიდან ვეღარ დავიწყებ მეორეს ეზარება :*

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