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ამასობაში ჯერ სატესტო Start11 v2.0 Public Preview ბილდი დაიდო, მერე კი მაგას უკვე პირველი ბეტა ბილდიც მოყვა შემდეგი ჩეინჯლოგით:

Start11 v2.0.0.1 Changelog
Beta branch created versioned as
Beta can be downloaded client account page or Object Destkop Manager (ODM) with ‘Show betas’ check in Options

Updated config exe only to fix the reading of font size settings not working correctly.

Resolved issue with Pin installed app menu not letting you pin from a submenu and instead launching the app.

Resolved issue with ‘this parameter is incorrect’ error when enabling menu backgrounds and grid backgrounds

Resolved issue with taskbar popup menus not correctly handling virtual folders

Adjusted pinned taskbar suggested apps list to be limited to 14 items

Corrected positioning of the menus when links in the quick access shortcut list are set to open menus for Win11/App/Pro styles

Added arrows indicating quick access shortcut list entries are menus on Pro style

Added option for narrow right-hand side of Win Pro style menu

Added option to hide user icon for Win Pro and Win Launcher style menus

Resolved issue with logout & shutdown menus showing on the wrong screen when using the Win10 style menu when there is a monitor on the left of the menu.

Resolved runtime error issue with pinned items for some users without VC runtimes installed

Tweaked detection of Win taskbar mode in config on OOBE

Resolved issue with renaming icons

Fixed sync typo on advanced settings option for Win10/11/Launcher/Pro/App menu styles

Resolved canceling tab drag with escape left menu in tab dragging mode for painting until a click on the menu happened

OS pin syncing was adjusted to avoid possible issues with reimporting in error

Resolved issue with some missing jumplists

Resolved issue with popup menus on side of Win7/Modern menu showing access denied

Resolved issue with tooltips on Win7/Modern menu right hand side showing numbers for some items

Added support for hide search field when not searching to Windows App style/Pro style/ Launcher style menus

Resolved issue with showing icon on shutdown button in Win7/Modern style

ეს კიდე სრული ცვლილებები რაც მაგ ახალში დაუმატებიათ: https://forums.stardock.com/523413/stardock-announces-start11-v2 ვიზუალია შეცვლილი და აკრილიკ ეფექტები, გლას ეფექტისმაგვარიც დაუმატებიათ გამჭირვალე ვარიანტი,ნუ იყო 1.47.3 ბეტაც მაგრამ როგორც ჩანს ახლის გამოშვებას დაუთმეს დიდი დრო და მაგის ფინალური ვარიანტი აღარც გამოუშვიათ და ალბათ არც გამოვა უკვე, როცა დაიდება ფინალური ბილდი ალბათ დაიდება რეპაკიც მაგ ახლის, ჯერ საკმაო ბაგები აქვს, ალბათ არც პირველი ფინალური ბილდი იქნება იდეალურ ფორმაში, თუმცა როგორც ყოველთვის ვინდოუს 10-ზე ნაკლები პრობლემები ექნება ალბათ ვიდრე 11-ზე მაგ ახალსაც

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გამოვიდა პაბლიკში Start11 v2.0 ცერსია შემდეგი ჩეინჯლოგით:


Start11 5-Pack upgrade is now available

Beta version updated to

Beta install file was initially Start11_2.0.0.2-j36-Setup.exe. Replaced with Start11_2.0.0.2-j37-Setup.exe as there was an odd issue with the intaller window being small for some reason.

Change to have UI disable pick a custom color options when mica is enabled and the menu will ignore any set color

Resolved issue with Win pro style where quick list is sometimes cut shorter than it could be depending on menu style settings

Filtered a rogue menu entry from the Control panel on some systems when a menu

Added setting in the menu to set row count for tabs to set all the tabs in the group to the same height.  On by default

Resolved issue with the taskbar on top and popup menus needing to be multiple columns end up bottom aligned rather than top aligned

Resolved issue with hiding user icon leaving space at the top of the menu when you are using top aligned taskbar

Resolved very short tab names being swapped with the tab index instead.  Note that tabs with no name would still have the tab index

Resolved issue with hide from apps option under the more submenu on Win11 and Win Pro and Win Launcher styles not showing correctly

Shift right-click menu on pinned items with enhanced taskbar enabled now offers ‘Run as other user’ if applicable

Tweaked corner painting for shadows as Edge was being lost on new menu styles

Stopped universal apps defaulting into subfolders as this mirrors the OS

Resolved icon loading for iTunes

Tweak spacing on all apps list to be slightly bigger for Win11, Win Pro and Win Launcher styles

Resolved Fences groups vanishing from the menu on changes due to not saving the new group data/

ველოდებით რეპაკს, თუმცა ეგ რაღაცა საშვალოა მგონი ბეტა და ფინალური ბილდის, თუმცა მასეთ ვიდში უკვე იყიდება ეგ ახალი ვერსია


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Start11 2.03 beta ბილდი დაიდო შემდეგი ჩეინჯლოგით:

Config now correctly paints left-hand icons when in dark mode

Resolved issue with alpha on maximized mode taskbar not saving correctly

Resolved issue with Win10 style button progress bars not painting correctly

Added option to make taskbar button backgrounds more solid, ideal for when using very transparent taskbar

Tweaked rounded corners on client area content of configuration window

Added options to control the rounded taskbar radius and offsets from screen borders

Resolved issue with disabling autohide in Start11 config not turning it off

Resolved issue with Start11 autohide mode not working with rounded taskbar correctly

Added animations to the rounded taskbar

Resolved being unable to use the delete option from taskbar popup menus

Filtered folders no longer take full path into consideration when filtering 

Resolved issue with dark icons being inverted incorrectly when on a dark background

Resolved issue with rounded TB going away when not using Enhanced taskbar in S11

Resolved issue with toggling Win10/Win11 style taskbar buttons needing an explorer restart.  
Note: The progress bars on this are still painting as a line rather than a full background, this should be fixed next build.

Resolved issue with launching task manager from the taskbar menu locking up the taskbar initially

Added new Windows 10 style taskbar buttons

Added mode to always combine pinned items but unpin everything else until there is no space

Added extra large taskbar mode

Added font face and size override control to taskbar

Added options to hide the start button on the primary and secondary monitors when on Win11 with enhanced Taskbar enabled

Added options to control if a pinned item should show on all monitors, just the primary, just the secondary or automatic based on OS setting

Added Start11 autohide mode.  Requires Win11 22H2 or later

Added new options to control blur, color, rounded corners, and transparency of the taskbar when maximized window vs normal state

Shadow text tweaked to improve visuals

Resolved the issue of not being able to view the hidden items list for All apps on the Win10 and Win App style menus

Resolved issue with Win11 not saving the correct virtual desktop page for opening a page when on a specified virtual desktop

Resolved issue with open menu on this page for current desktop menu item not always showing on all menus (bar Win7/Modern which do not have pages)

Tweaked painting of page picker icons as current page one would sometimes paint incorrectly

Resolved issue with folder icons not painting an icon when in align left mode

Resolved issue with being unable to resize Win Pro menu from right hand side when using narrow mode

Resolved issue with hiding recent apps not sticking after restart for Win Launcher/Pro/Apps menu styles

Resolved issue with a right click on the top taskbar causing the menu to appear partially offscreen

Resolved issue with new search box for apps in some styles not scaling font correctly in mixed dpi setups

Resolved issue with inverted text colour on a tabbed group also applying to + and filter icons in the group header

Resolved issue with missing color palette choice when clicking on appearance menu link rather than opening via mouseover

Adjusted text shadows so DPI is taken into account

Added UI option to override Start11 detection of the touch mode taskbar in Win11 22H2 and later should the taskbar contents be misaligned

როგორც ჩანს სანამ ფინალური ვარიანტი არ გამოვა მანამდე რეპაკს არ დაარელიზებს diakov და სხვა რელიზერები კარგა ხანია აღარ დებენ მაგ პროგრამის რეპაკებს უკვე, ჯერ ეგ ეხლა რაც იდება ბეტებია სუყველა, უბრალოთ დაიწყო სტარდოკმა მაგის ლიცენზიის აპგრეიდის გაყიდვა, 6$ ჯდება ძველიდან მაგაზე აპგრეიდის გაკეთება ეხლა მაგათ საიტზე, მაგრამ მანდ ჩანს რომ ეგ ჯერ ბეტებია სუყველა, Start11 Release Preview 2.03 Beta ქვია ჯერ, პრევიუ და ბეტა რომ მოცილდება ეგ იქნება უკვე ფინალური ვარიანტი, ანუ პირველი ფინალური ბილდი მაგ ახალ განახლებული ვერსიის

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Start11 2.03 beta ბილდი დაიდო შემდეგი ჩეინჯლოგით:


Resolved issue with blur state on maximized windows not overriding to off correctly

Enhanced options for rounded taskbar and moved to their own section to avoid UI clutter

Resolved issue on Win11 when clicking parts of the config UI to bring it to the top not working

Fix painting of restart explorer button thats painting white corners on Win11 incorrectly

Resolved issue with not being able to resize the taskbar when using Win10 style buttons on Win11

Adjusted settings reload logic to prevent overlapped reloads

Added prompts for explorer restarts for features which need it

Some UI tidy up

Resolved issue with Enhanced mode autohide on Windows 11 not always resetting maximized window area

Resolved issue with Win10 style menus incorrectly picking the Windows 11 style text positioning for items in tabbed groups

Resolved issue with all apps list not always refreshing when apps were installed or uninstalled

Reduced frequency of reloading main menu contents when changes are made to things which are not on the menus

Resolved issue with changes to fences causing a refresh of the Start11 menu when there are no fences on the pages

Resolved issue with recent documents not showing

Resolved issue with some folders not showing contents as a pinned group

Resolved a memory and resource leak caused by right click menus

Resolved issue with rapid opening of the right click taskbar menu causing actions to happen more than once if selected

Resolved reset button for rounded corners settings not resetting correctly

Resolved vertically centre taskbar buttons causing a shift when using rounded taskbar buttons

Resolved issue with custom colour button in UI being enabled after toggling use Mica effect checkbox incorrectly sometimes

Resolved issue caused by new rounded corners mode which caused a looping issue when a fullscreen non maximized window was open

Removed double prompt for deletion from a popup folder menu

ეგ სტანდარტული ბეტა არაა, ლიზენცია თუ არ გაქვს ახალ ვერსიაზე ნაყიდი მაგას ვერ დააყენებ დაჟე ვისაც start11 ძველი ვერსიის ლიცენზია აქვს 6$+ უნდა დაამატოს აპგრეიდში, არ ვიცი რამე ახალი დაცვაა თუ ტყდება ეგეც ადვილათ, მაგრამ ჯერ არ ჩანს მაგ ახლის რეპაკი, თუ ტყდება ალბათ ფინალური რომ გამოვა დაარელიზებს diakov მაინც https://diakov.net/14804-stardock-start11-10.html

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Start11 2.06 ფინალური ბილდი გამოვიდა უზარმაზარო ჩეინჯლოგით:

Start11 Release 2.06 Changelog (Released 11/08/2023)

Release UI version 2.0 (Start11Config.exe version

Resolves crash issue with launching apps from submenus on pinned taskbar items

Resolved issue with adding a folder as a group / tab causing a 30 second hang

Resolved issue with very slow Start11 configuration window when using ExplorerPatcher

Resolved issue with wrong icon showing when you have a pending update in the shutdown menu

Resolved potential crash issue after launching an application from the start menu

Resolved the non WinX menu animating down when right clicked on the start button instead of up

Tweaked DisplayFusion detection for their secondary monitor taskbars

Stopped FancyZones dragging window being detected as a fullscreen application for taskbar state

Stopped Microsoft XBox gaming overlay being detected as a fullscreen application for taskbar state

Added registry keys to replace the displayed username or mask the user picture.  These are S11_MaskUserIcon set to 1 (REG_SZ value) and S11_OverrideUserName set to whatever you want the new name to be.  These are stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8

Resolved issue with pinned folders not working if they were filtered folders instead showing access denied
11) Changed icon on Start11_64.exe

Fixed installer issue where PinMenu.exe shortcut was created in All Programs \ Stardock (confusing that it was the main exe).

Resolved standard Win11 start button being clipped when using some rounded taskbar horizontal offsets - Needs enhanced taskbar enabled

Added in support for some lang strings it was not loading up on the menu

Speeded-up animations for right-click menus

Clicking between the shutdown and sign-out menu should now work

Initial import of Win11 pinned menu items now handles pinned websites correctly rather than making lots of MS Edge shortcuts

Resolved issue with rounded taskbar causing painting problems with left/right taskbars on Windows 10.  Rounded mode only supports horizontal taskbar

Resolved issue changing between non-max to maxed state not changing rounded taskbar state unless another setting was also changed

Resolved Windows App style image in config appearing darker than other thumbnails

Removed beta text from UI

Tweaked center taskbar on Win10 logic

Resolved white bar on the start button page

Added translucency to right-click menus when on Windows 11 when not using a skin that skins them

Resolved menus which should animate upwards animating down instead when too big for the screen

Resolved sign out menu overlapping sign-out button when using Win11 style menu with a taskbar at the top of the screen

Resolved/reduced custom start button clipping when using rounded taskbar horizontal offsets


Resolved issue with blur state on maximized windows not overriding to off correctly

Enhanced options for rounded taskbar and moved to their own section to avoid UI clutter

Resolved issue on Win11 when clicking parts of the config UI to bring it to the top not working

Fix painting of restart explorer button thats painting white corners on Win11 incorrectly

Resolved issue with not being able to resize the taskbar when using Win10 style buttons on Win11

Adjusted settings reload logic to prevent overlapped reloads

Added prompts for explorer restarts for features which need it

Some UI tidy up

Resolved issue with Enhanced mode autohide on Windows 11 not always resetting maximized window area

Resolved issue with Win10 style menus incorrectly picking the Windows 11 style text positioning for items in tabbed groups

Resolved issue with all apps list not always refreshing when apps were installed or uninstalled

Reduced frequency of reloading main menu contents when changes are made to things which are not on the menus

Resolved issue with changes to fences causing a refresh of the Start11 menu when there are no fences on the pages

Resolved issue with recent documents not showing

Resolved issue with some folders not showing contents as a pinned group

Resolved a memory and resource leak caused by right click menus

Resolved issue with rapid opening of the right click taskbar menu causing actions to happen more than once if selected

Resolved reset button for rounded corners settings not resetting correctly

Resolved vertically centre taskbar buttons causing a shift when using rounded taskbar buttons

Resolved issue with custom colour button in UI being enabled after toggling use Mica effect checkbox incorrectly sometimes

Resolved issue caused by new rounded corners mode which caused a looping issue when a fullscreen non maximized window was open

Removed double prompt for deletion from a popup folder menu

Config now correctly paints left-hand icons when in dark mode

Resolved issue with alpha on maximized mode taskbar not saving correctly

Resolved issue with Win10 style button progress bars not painting correctly

Added option to make taskbar button backgrounds more solid, ideal for when using very transparent taskbar

Tweaked rounded corners on client area content of configuration window

Added options to control the rounded taskbar radius and offsets from screen borders

Resolved issue with disabling autohide in Start11 config not turning it off

Resolved issue with Start11 autohide mode not working with rounded taskbar correctly

Added animations to the rounded taskbar

Resolved being unable to use the delete option from taskbar popup menus

Filtered folders no longer take full path into consideration when filtering 

Resolved issue with dark icons being inverted incorrectly when on a dark background

Resolved issue with rounded TB going away when not using Enhanced taskbar in S11

Resolved issue with toggling Win10/Win11 style taskbar buttons needing an explorer restart.  
Note: The progress bars on this are still painting as a line rather than a full background, this should be fixed next build.

Resolved issue with launching task manager from the taskbar menu locking up the taskbar initially

Added new Windows 10 style taskbar buttons

Added mode to always combine pinned items but unpin everything else until there is no space

Added extra large taskbar mode

Added font face and size override control to taskbar

Added options to hide the start button on the primary and secondary monitors when on Win11 with enhanced Taskbar enabled

Added options to control if a pinned item should show on all monitors, just the primary, just the secondary or automatic based on OS setting

Added Start11 autohide mode.  Requires Win11 22H2 or later

Added new options to control blur, color, rounded corners, and transparency of the taskbar when maximized window vs normal state

Shadow text tweaked to improve visuals

Resolved the issue of not being able to view the hidden items list for All apps on the Win10 and Win App style menus

Resolved issue with Win11 not saving the correct virtual desktop page for opening a page when on a specified virtual desktop

Resolved issue with open menu on this page for current desktop menu item not always showing on all menus (bar Win7/Modern which do not have pages)

Tweaked painting of page picker icons as current page one would sometimes paint incorrectly

Resolved issue with folder icons not painting an icon when in align left mode

Resolved issue with being unable to resize Win Pro menu from right hand side when using narrow mode

Resolved issue with hiding recent apps not sticking after restart for Win Launcher/Pro/Apps menu styles

Resolved issue with a right click on the top taskbar causing the menu to appear partially offscreen

Resolved issue with new search box for apps in some styles not scaling font correctly in mixed dpi setups

Resolved issue with inverted text colour on a tabbed group also applying to + and filter icons in the group header

Resolved issue with missing color palette choice when clicking on appearance menu link rather than opening via mouseover

Adjusted text shadows so DPI is taken into account

Added UI option to override Start11 detection of the touch mode taskbar in Win11 22H2 and later should the taskbar contents be misaligned

Start11 v2.02 Changelog (Released 10/31/2023)

Start11 5-Pack upgrade is now available

Beta version updated to

Beta install file was initially Start11_2.0.0.2-j36-Setup.exe. Replaced with Start11_2.0.0.2-j37-Setup.exe as there was an odd issue with the intaller window being small for some reason.

Change to have UI disable pick a custom color options when mica is enabled and the menu will ignore any set color

Resolved issue with Win pro style where quick list is sometimes cut shorter than it could be depending on menu style settings

Filtered a rogue menu entry from the Control panel on some systems when a menu

Added setting in the menu to set row count for tabs to set all the tabs in the group to the same height.  On by default

Resolved issue with the taskbar on top and popup menus needing to be multiple columns end up bottom aligned rather than top aligned

Resolved issue with hiding user icon leaving space at the top of the menu when you are using top aligned taskbar

Resolved very short tab names being swapped with the tab index instead.  Note that tabs with no name would still have the tab index

Resolved issue with hide from apps option under the more submenu on Win11 and Win Pro and Win Launcher styles not showing correctly

Shift right-click menu on pinned items with enhanced taskbar enabled now offers ‘Run as other user’ if applicable

Tweaked corner painting for shadows as Edge was being lost on new menu styles

Stopped universal apps defaulting into subfolders as this mirrors the OS

Resolved icon loading for iTunes

Tweak spacing on all apps list to be slightly bigger for Win11, Win Pro and Win Launcher styles

Resolved Fences groups vanishing from the menu on changes due to not saving the new group data/

Beta branch created versioned as
Beta can be downloaded client account page or Object Destkop Manager (ODM) with ‘Show betas’ check in Options

Updated config exe only to fix the reading of font size settings not working correctly.

Resolved issue with Pin installed app menu not letting you pin from a submenu and instead launching the app.

Resolved issue with ‘this parameter is incorrect’ error when enabling menu backgrounds and grid backgrounds

Resolved issue with taskbar popup menus not correctly handling virtual folders

Adjusted pinned taskbar suggested apps list to be limited to 14 items

Corrected positioning of the menus when links in the quick access shortcut list are set to open menus for Win11/App/Pro styles

Added arrows indicating quick access shortcut list entries are menus on Pro style

Added option for narrow right-hand side of Win Pro style menu

Added option to hide user icon for Win Pro and Win Launcher style menus

Resolved issue with logout & shutdown menus showing on the wrong screen when using the Win10 style menu when there is a monitor on the left of the menu.

Resolved runtime error issue with pinned items for some users without VC runtimes installed

Tweaked detection of Win taskbar mode in config on OOBE

Resolved issue with renaming icons

Fixed sync typo on advanced settings option for Win10/11/Launcher/Pro/App menu styles

Resolved canceling tab drag with escape left menu in tab dragging mode for painting until a click on the menu happened

OS pin syncing was adjusted to avoid possible issues with reimporting in error

Resolved issue with some missing jumplists

Resolved issue with popup menus on side of Win7/Modern menu showing access denied

Resolved issue with tooltips on Win7/Modern menu right hand side showing numbers for some items

Added support for hide search field when not searching to Windows App style/Pro style/ Launcher style menus

Resolved issue with showing icon on shutdown button in Win7/Modern style

ანუ ბეტებში რაც დაფიქსეს + ბოლო ბილდის ფიქსები, ველოდებით რეპაკს, იდეაში ეგ ბოლო უკვე უფრო კარგ ხოდზე იქნება, თავიდან ბევრი ბაგი ქონდა მაგ ახალზე მელკი და არა მარტო, მანდ უმრავლესობა მათგანი დაიფიქსა უკვე, ვნახოთ რამდენათ მალე დაიდება რეპაკი, თუ რამე ახალი ზაშიტა არაა მაგ ახალში დამატებული და ვეღარ შეძლეს შეტეხვა უკვე, 30 დღიანი ტრიალის მოსინჯვა შეიძლება მაგრამ მეზარება მაგის დაყენება https://cdn.stardock.us/downloads/public/software/start/v2/Start11v2-setup.exe რეპაკს დაველოდები ჯობია

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მოკლეთ დაუდია ოღონდ სხვა თემაში რეპაკი dyakov ორი დღის უკან და მე მარტო ეხლა შევამჩნიე, 1.47 თემაში აღარ დაუდია 2.0 ვერსია და ცალკე თემა გახსნა მაგისთვის, ესეც გადმოსაწერი ლინკი: 


ნუ ბევრი მელკი სეთინგები დაუმატებიათ წვრილ-წვრილი, აგრეთვე დაემატა pico ეფექთიც ვინდოუს 11-ში რასაც იყენებენ, ბლურის მაგივრათ მაგის მონიშვნა შეიძლება, არის განახლებული ვინდოუს 11 მენიუც, აი ასეთი თუნდაც:


modern menu რამდენიმე ცვლილება შევნიშენ, ერთ-ერთი ესაა:


ლაგები და ჭედვები არ შემიმჩნევია დიდათ, შუსტრათ მუშაობს ყველაფერი მაგ ფინალურში, ცენტრშიც შეგიძლია დაყენება სტარტ მენიუს როგორც ვინდოუს 11-შია, ეგ ყველაფერი ვინდოუს 10-შიც შეგიძლია მოუნიშნო

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ლოლ პიკო ეფექტი არ ვიცი მაგრამ დავტვიკე კოლირაზაცია სტარტ11  ვ2.0-ის ნასტროიკებიდან და ეხლა ესეთ ვიდზეა:


ნუ სტარტ მენიუში ჩავურთე გამჭირვალე ეფექტი 30%-ზე ავტო კოლორიზაციით, ქვემოთა პანელზე კი გრადიენტების მეორე კვარც ვერსია ეგეც ავტო კოლორიზაციით, ხოშიანი ფერები აქვს ეგრე სოჩნი, არ ლაგავს დიდათ თან მაგ სეთინგებზე, სტარტ მენიუ სულ სხვადასხვა ფერებში გადადის, ფონი მოქმედებს ანუ ქვემოდან რა არის გახსნილი სკრინი იქნება თუ ბრაუზერი თუნდაც და ფერებიც ეგრე იცვლება, შენ გემოზე შეგიძლია გამჭირვალე ეფექტი გაძლიერება ან მთლათ solid color მიცემა გამჭირვალე ეფექტის გარეშე, სასიამოვნო ტონი აქვს ეგრე, 30% კარგათ მოუხდა, 11% შეგიძლია მაქსიმუმ, მაგრამ რაც ნაკლებზეა უფრო მეტი რესურსები დაჭირდება და შეიძლება დალაგოს კიდეც უფრო, მე თვითონ ფონის კოლორიზაციის ბლენდინგი მომწონს, სულ სხვადასხვა ფერებს იღებს, სერზე ესეა:


ვოლის ფონზე ეგრე და სულ იცვლება კოლორიზაცია ფონის მიხედვით ანუ:


ქვედა ტასკბარის ხაზი უცვლელი რჩება, ეგ ეფექტია ეგეთი, ბევრნაირი ეფექტები აქვს მე ეგ მომეწონა

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ამასობაში ბაგების შემცირება და სხვადასხვა ტიპის ტვიკები გრძელდება მაგ ახალ ვერსიაზე, დაიდო უკვე Start11 beta ბილდი შემდეგი ჩეინჯლოგით:

Start11Config.exe (2.01 in UI)

Resolved a crash issue with Win7 style on login in rare circumstances

Resolved an issue with enhanced taskbar autohide when the primary monitor is to the right of the secondary monitor with desktop icon placement

Resolved issue with clicking on pinned taskbar buttons set to only show on certain monitors not showing a right-click menu 

Resolved issue with mixed dpi setups where right-click menus may not detect dpi changes consistently

Resolve the issue with offset taskbar mode with autohide on a secondary.

Limited recent docs popup menu to 15 items (or OS setting if defined)

Reduced a flicker when minimizing/restoring a window from the taskbar using the mouse

Adjusted some init code to prevent threads from being allocated earlier than needed

Tweak to extra control panel item showing

Resolved issue with rounded taskbar causing clipped taskbars on primary monitor when using a touch-capable device with Win11 22H2 or later

Resolved issue with taskbar offsets on secondary monitor without enhanced taskbar enabled not working correctly

Tweaked shutdown menu to stop list under it taking focus sometimes

Added registry key S11_AlwaysScrollMenus which when set to 1 will stop Start11 making menus multi column and instead use a scrolling list.  Create in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8

Resolved issue with Win7/Modern style jumplists sometimes showing each item too small after switching menu modes

Added a new registry key to control the right-click menu style on Windows 11.  It is called "S11_MenuMode" and it has 3 options.  0 = translucent menus, 1 = solid menus, 2 = colour tinted translucent menus

Resolved all apps/steam apps list not working from a pinned taskbar folder if you are using the Win7/Modern menu styles

Resolved issue with sub menus showing far left of the screen when they would not fit next to the open menu on multi-column menus

Resolved issue with new Start11 autohide taskbar mode triggering too far from the bottom of the screen vs the primary

Resolved issue with Win 7/modern menu with Win10 style all apps tree not having Show Recently installed and suggested apps not refreshing the list instantly

Resolved issue with right-hand list on start menu flickering over search results during animation to switch to search mode sometimes with Win 7/modern menu styles

Resolved issue with leftover tooltip after launching an app from the menu if the tooltip was visible at the time

Altered config UI to grey out the settings for rounded taskbars unless the rounded taskbar is enabled as this may be causing confusion

Resolved menus sometimes being the wrong background color depending on OS color settings

Resolved sub-menus showing on popup folder menus being shifted too far right on Win11 setups

Resolved Win Launcher menu style when hiding search and username causing shutdown to overlap contents of the list

რეპაკი უკვე მოგვიანებით დაიდება ალბათ ფინალური ბილდი როცა გამოვა


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დაიდო მაგ ბოლო ბილდის რეპაკიც უკვე https://oxy.name/d/kZqh ისე არსად არ წერია რომ ბეტაა, სტიმის ვერსიაა ეგ, იქაც გამოდის ეგ უტილიტა, ისე მაგის ალტერნატივა ალბათ startallback ვისაც ეგ ვარიანტი არ მოსწონს, თუმცა მე ის არ მყენებია დიდხანს https://www.startallback.com/

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ისე რაც შევნიშნე ამ ახალში მინიმუმ ვინდოუს 10-ზე უფრო გლატკათ მუშაობს და ნაკლებათ ლაგავს ვიდრე წინა 1.47 ბოლო ბილდი თუნდაც, ანუ უფრო შუსტრია და არ ჭედავს საერთოდ გახსნა დახეცვის დროს ეგ ახალი + უფრო ბევრი რაღაცეების შესწორება და დატვიკვა შეიძლება, ანუ ბანალური აპგრეიდი ეგ არაა აჩერედნოი, უფრო კარგი ჩანს ახალი ვერსია აშკარათ წინაზე, ვინდოუს 11-ზე რა ხდება არ ვიცი მითუმეტეს 22631 ახალი ბილდი არც დამიტესტია საერთოდ,ანუ შეიძლება მანდაც ქონდეს გაუმჯობესება მაგ ახალზე

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Start11 beta ბილდიც დაიდო შემდეგი ჩეინჯლოგით:

Start11 Config version updated to (2.02 in UI)

Resolved issue with global font scaling in Start11 being deactivated briefly when opening right-click menus

Added detection for Fences 5 installs when Fences 4 had not been installed before

Resolved issue with Fences 5 show desktop button on the taskbar not working with Enhanced taskbar enabled

Resolved taskbar icon changes not always being picked up correctly by Start11 with Enhanced taskbar enabled

Resolved missing icons on the Start10 style search

Added everything support to Start10 style search mode

Resolved issue with shutdown and signout menus in Win10 style sometimes losing focus to what is under them

Resolved the issue of having too many items in a folder resulting in being unable to see all of the items.  It will now scroll them instead.

Resolved autohide taskbar showing up on secondary when start menu open on the primary

Resolved an issue with the taskbar opening from autohide too early if the taskbar was offset from the bottom of the screen in some situations

Resolved issue with multiple column menus showing at the top of the screen sometimes

Resolved issue with right-clicking on recent documents link and picking open causing an error prompt about a missing user account

Menus with multiple columns now show A-Z per column rather than spreading A-Z over each column

Added registry key "S11_DelayAutoHide" which when given a value of "1" will delay autohide show/hide.  Create in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8

მოგვიანებით დაიდება ალბათ მაგის რეპაკიც, ან ფინალურ ბილდამდე გაიწელება უკვე ახალი რეპაკის დადება

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Start11 ფინალური ბილდი დაიდო შემდეგი დიდი ჩეინჯლოგით:

Start11 2.03 Changelog (Released 11/21/2023)
Released to live.

Version updated:
UI 2.03

Initial language localization pass included. Please click here for more details.

Resolved a possible crash when combining two groups as a tab group if no other tab groups exist

Resolved issue 2.02 beta introduced with a crash when the icon cache changed on Win10

Resolved issue where a Fence as a group would not save the number of rows it should show correctly

Resolved an issue with an icon cache flush causing wrong icons to show in the UI sometimes

Added registry key "S11_PutUniversalAppsInFolderByDefault" which when given a value of "1" will put universal apps in a Universal apps folder in the Win10/11/Pro/Launcher/App menus.  Create in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8

Added registry key "S11_NoMenuAnimations" which when given a value of "1" which will turn off right click menu animations.  Create in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8

Some tweaks to enhanced taskbar to prevent apps from sending too many messages to the taskbar causing it to slow down

Recently installed now correctly shows Universal apps installed from the store

Recently installed apps (Win10/11/Pro/App/Launcher) menus now only show items as 'recent' within 1.5 days of install

Recent items popup menus now filter out some additional items

Start11 Config version updated to (2.02 in UI)

Resolved issue with global font scaling in Start11 being deactivated briefly when opening right-click menus

Added detection for Fences 5 installs when Fences 4 had not been installed before

Resolved issue with Fences 5 show desktop button on the taskbar not working with Enhanced taskbar enabled

Resolved taskbar icon changes not always being picked up correctly by Start11 with Enhanced taskbar enabled

Resolved missing icons on the Start10 style search

Added everything support to Start10 style search mode

Resolved issue with shutdown and signout menus in Win10 style sometimes losing focus to what is under them

Resolved the issue of having too many items in a folder resulting in being unable to see all of the items.  It will now scroll them instead.

Resolved autohide taskbar showing up on secondary when start menu open on the primary

Resolved an issue with the taskbar opening from autohide too early if the taskbar was offset from the bottom of the screen in some situations

Resolved issue with multiple column menus showing at the top of the screen sometimes

Resolved issue with right-clicking on recent documents link and picking open causing an error prompt about a missing user account

Menus with multiple columns now show A-Z per column rather than spreading A-Z over each column

Added registry key "S11_DelayAutoHide" which when given a value of "1" will delay autohide show/hide.  Create in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8

Start11Config.exe (2.01 in UI)

Resolved a crash issue with Win7 style on login in rare circumstances

Resolved an issue with enhanced taskbar autohide when the primary monitor is to the right of the secondary monitor with desktop icon placement

Resolved issue with clicking on pinned taskbar buttons set to only show on certain monitors not showing a right-click menu 

Resolved issue with mixed dpi setups where right-click menus may not detect dpi changes consistently

Resolve the issue with offset taskbar mode with autohide on a secondary.

Limited recent docs popup menu to 15 items (or OS setting if defined)

Reduced a flicker when minimizing/restoring a window from the taskbar using the mouse

Adjusted some init code to prevent threads from being allocated earlier than needed

Tweak to extra control panel item showing

Resolved issue with rounded taskbar causing clipped taskbars on primary monitor when using a touch-capable device with Win11 22H2 or later

Resolved issue with taskbar offsets on secondary monitor without enhanced taskbar enabled not working correctly

Tweaked shutdown menu to stop list under it taking focus sometimes

Added registry key S11_AlwaysScrollMenus which when set to 1 will stop Start11 making menus multi column and instead use a scrolling list.  Create in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8

Resolved issue with Win7/Modern style jumplists sometimes showing each item too small after switching menu modes

Added a new registry key to control the right-click menu style on Windows 11.  It is called "S11_MenuMode" and it has 3 options.  0 = translucent menus, 1 = solid menus, 2 = colour tinted translucent menus

Resolved all apps/steam apps list not working from a pinned taskbar folder if you are using the Win7/Modern menu styles

Resolved issue with sub menus showing far left of the screen when they would not fit next to the open menu on multi-column menus

Resolved issue with new Start11 autohide taskbar mode triggering too far from the bottom of the screen vs the primary

Resolved issue with Win 7/modern menu with Win10 style all apps tree not having Show Recently installed and suggested apps not refreshing the list instantly

Resolved issue with right-hand list on start menu flickering over search results during animation to switch to search mode sometimes with Win 7/modern menu styles

Resolved issue with leftover tooltip after launching an app from the menu if the tooltip was visible at the time

Altered config UI to grey out the settings for rounded taskbars unless the rounded taskbar is enabled as this may be causing confusion

Resolved menus sometimes being the wrong background color depending on OS color settings

Resolved sub-menus showing on popup folder menus being shifted too far right on Win11 setups

Resolved Win Launcher menu style when hiding search and username causing shutdown to overlap contents of the list


დაიდო რეპაკიც მაგ ბოლო ბილდის: https://oxy.st/d/ihsh ანუ ჯერ ვშლით ძველს ძირფესვიანათ, მერე ვაყენებთ ახალს რესტარტის შემდეგ

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  • 1 month later...

Start11 v2.04 beta ბილდი გამოვიდა შემდეგი ჩეინჯლოგით:

Start11 UI \ About: 2.04

Start11 v2 for Business made available

Resolved Win10 folder mode when using Win11/Pro/Launcher/App style menus causing icons to be placed on top of each other

Resolved unpinning from Start11 not unpinning from OS on some versions of Windows

Resolved Start10 style search showing double entries for Universal apps

Improved filtering on recent documents menus

Resolved issue with sniping tool not showing on taskbar correctly after taking a screenshot with enhanced taskbar enabled

Resolved issue with top aligned taskbar and Win+X menu having an offset for mouseover

Suggested apps now filters for uninstalled apps / missing shortcuts

Suggested apps refresh correctly on app launch now

Resolved recent documents list not refreshing as often as it should for Win11/Pro/App/Launcher menu styles

10) Enhanced Start11 style search to factor in filename and path for apps

Resolved issue with taskbar combining only pinned items causing extra space to be reserved that is not needed

Tweaked everything support to also support 1.5a if installed

Resolved memory leak on reloading the all-apps list

Resolved issue with right-hand side flicker when closing an app when using experimental center mode for the enhanced taskbar

Tweaks to how the taskbar shows over games

Updated build again with a fix for double touch input on the enhanced taskbar when tapping very quickly.

The new feature this enables is the import of settings on login (or explorer restart).  This will zap all settings and replace them with the data in the file provided.
The key for this is SettingsImportPath which takes a full path to a settings backup saved from S11.  This is stored here : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8

Updated French from community submission

Added Portuguese from community submission

Updated Swedish from community submission

ნუ რეპაკი ან ფინალურ ბილდზე დაიდება, როცა გამოვა უკვე მოგვიანებით ან მანამდეც, ჯერ არ ჩანს

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  • 4 weeks later...

Start11 v2.05 beta ბილდი გამოვიდა შემდეგი ჩეინჯლოგით:

Version Updated
Start11 UI \ About: 2.05

Support added for swiping up from the bottom of a tablet screen to open the start menu

Resolved open file location not working on Steam shortcuts

Make all programs list scroll to the top when using search on it to stop things being offscreen on occasion

Further autohide adjustments

Resolved issue with not being able to use Win11 style folders with the Win10 menu

Prevented refresh of recent docs whilst subfolders are open

Win11 style folder animations speeded up slightly

Resolved issue causing folder animations to run slower than they should on lower-end hardware

Resolved memory leak in Explorer on Windows 11

Added Pin to Start option for menu mode all programs with Win7/Modern style menus

Resolved issue with pinned items set to show on all monitors

Small tweaks to autohide mode to see if it helps with it not working right when no windows are open at all

Resolved notification center appearing in the wrong place on Win11 in certain circumstances

Resolved custom tile PNG loading corrupting the alpha channel

Made right-click open animations 20% quicker

Resolved autohide + center mode on Win11 having screen dirt sometimes

აი მაგის რეპაკი რატომღაც ეგრევე დაიდო უკვე: https://oxy.st/d/YrBh თუმცა ბეტა რომაა არსად არ აწერია მენიუში, მოკლეთ სტიმის რელიზია და 2.05 წერია ჩემთან business edition მენიუში რომ შევდივარ


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Start11 v2.05 beta ბილდი გამოვიდა შემდეგი ჩეინჯლოგით:

Start11 v2.05 Changelog
Language Updates

Korean: Credit https://github.com/pb29
Chinese - Simplified: Credit: https://github.com/chyanbo
Spanish: Credit https://github.com/FJMatad
French: Credit https://github.com/d-faure

New text block for 2.05 added to en.lng and the 8 other supported languages. Changes can be seen at the bottom of the en.lng file in \Start11\Lang\en.lng

Translations updated on GH project

Program Changes

Version updated
UI: 2.05

Resolved issue with Win10 style folders sometimes painting the icons too far left on multi-column setups

Performance improvements for initial startup time on login

Resolved Taskbar clipping of system tray icons popup arrow on certain scaling factors

Resolved issue with experimental mode centred taskbar buttons getting stuck in a repositioning loop on very odd non-standard scaling factors

Resolved a possible issue of a right-click jumplist being stuck at the top of the screen in very rare circumstances

Resolved issue with centered taskbar buttons losing one of the buttons on another line incorrectly when the icons have to be shifted along due to insufficient space for center mode

Resolved issue with refreshing custom tile images via the refresh icons right-click menu item where sometimes icons remained blank in error

Added an option to pin a web URL to Start11 directly

Added option to make Start11 obtain the favicon for a given pinned URL automatically (off by default as will make internet connections)

Adjustments to potentially help with being unable to drag the top line of the top group around sometimes

Resolved issue with Winkey opening the Start11 menu when Winkey set to open the Microsoft Windows Start menu and closing the menu

Resolved issue with icons being larger on non-Win10 style menus when synced from OS pins when using Win10 menu

Pinned items set to secondary only will now not jump back to primary display if you have only one monitor

Added option to make pins show on secondary unless you only have one monitor when they go on the primary instead

Further autohide taskbar tweaks to resolve ShareX blocking autohide taskbar from unhiding on Win11

ეგ 19 იანვრის ბილდია და რეპაკი ჯერ არ განუახლებიათ

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Start11 v2.05 beta ბილდი გამოვიდა შემდეგი ჩეინჯლოგით:

Version updated
UI: 2.05

Resolved issue with Win10 center taskbar mode not working on the primary display in

Resolved issue with tabs jumping around when switching tabs if data in the registry was saved in the wrong order due to an older build of S11

Stopped pinned websites being added to suggested lists as not apps

Resolved issues with the corruption of text on occasion

მაგ ახალი ბეტა ბილდის რეპაკი უკვე დაიდო: https://uploadrar.com/3ntiukwy7acr


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Start11 v2.05 beta ბილდი გამოვიდა შემდეგი ჩეინჯლოგით:

Version updated
UI: 2.05

This resolves an issue with jittering on the taskbar when in experimental center mode with certain non-integer scaling factors and depending on how many open windows there were.  

Resolves a potential resource leak though highly unlikely to happen.  

Fixed a painting issue that the UI had on scaling factors of 283% and higher

Version updated
UI: 2.05

Resolved issue with block behind some taskbar icons in enhanced mode

Adjusted overlay icon positions on enhanced taskbar

Resolved issue with custom tile images not appearing to save correctly when in a folder (they did but didn't show until a sign-out)

Resolved the issue with nvidia GeForce Experience overlay stopping the taskbar autohide working correctly 

რეპაკი ჯერ 26 იანვრის ბეტაზე დაიდო: https://uploadrar.com/hz1yehkvsupl გუშინ რაც გამოვიდა ეგ ჯერ არ ჩანს, თუმცა მალე წესით ფინალური ბილდიც გამოვა უკვე

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Start11 2.05 ფინალური ბილდი გამოვიდა შემდეგი ჩეინჯლოგით:

Stardock: Released

Steam: TBD

Version updated
UI: 2.05

This resolves an issue with jittering on the taskbar when in experimental center mode with certain non-integer scaling factors and depending on how many open windows there were.  

Resolves a potential resource leak though highly unlikely to happen.  

Fixed a painting issue that the UI had on scaling factors of 283% and higher

Version updated
UI: 2.05

Resolved issue with block behind some taskbar icons in enhanced mode

Adjusted overlay icon positions on enhanced taskbar

Resolved issue with custom tile images not appearing to save correctly when in a folder (they did but didn't show until a sign-out)

Resolved the issue with nvidia GeForce Experience overlay stopping the taskbar autohide working correctly 

Version updated
UI: 2.05

Resolved issue with Win10 center taskbar mode not working on the primary display in

Resolved issue with tabs jumping around when switching tabs if data in the registry was saved in the wrong order due to an older build of S11

Stopped pinned websites being added to suggested lists as not apps

Resolved issues with the corruption of text on occasion

Language Updates

Korean: Credit https://github.com/pb29
Chinese - Simplified: Credit: https://github.com/chyanbo
Spanish: Credit https://github.com/FJMatad
French: Credit https://github.com/d-faure

New text block for 2.05 added to en.lng and the 8 other supported languages. Changes can be seen at the bottom of the en.lng file in \Start11\Lang\en.lng

Translations updated on GH project

Program Changes

Version updated
UI: 2.05

Resolved issue with Win10 style folders sometimes painting the icons too far left on multi-column setups

Performance improvements for initial startup time on login

Resolved Taskbar clipping of system tray icons popup arrow on certain scaling factors

Resolved issue with experimental mode centred taskbar buttons getting stuck in a repositioning loop on very odd non-standard scaling factors

Resolved a possible issue of a right-click jumplist being stuck at the top of the screen in very rare circumstances

Resolved issue with centered taskbar buttons losing one of the buttons on another line incorrectly when the icons have to be shifted along due to insufficient space for center mode

Resolved issue with refreshing custom tile images via the refresh icons right-click menu item where sometimes icons remained blank in error

Added an option to pin a web URL to Start11 directly

Added option to make Start11 obtain the favicon for a given pinned URL automatically (off by default as will make internet connections)

Adjustments to potentially help with being unable to drag the top line of the top group around sometimes

Resolved issue with Winkey opening the Start11 menu when Winkey set to open the Microsoft Windows Start menu and closing the menu

Resolved issue with icons being larger on non-Win10 style menus when synced from OS pins when using Win10 menu

Pinned items set to secondary only will now not jump back to primary display if you have only one monitor

Added option to make pins show on secondary unless you only have one monitor when they go on the primary instead

Further autohide taskbar tweaks to resolve ShareX blocking autohide taskbar from unhiding on Win11

Version Updated
Start11 UI \ About: 2.05

Support added for swiping up from the bottom of a tablet screen to open the start menu

Resolved open file location not working on Steam shortcuts

Make all programs list scroll to the top when using search on it to stop things being offscreen on occasion

Further autohide adjustments

Resolved issue with not being able to use Win11 style folders with the Win10 menu

Prevented refresh of recent docs whilst subfolders are open

Win11 style folder animations speeded up slightly

Resolved issue causing folder animations to run slower than they should on lower-end hardware

Resolved memory leak in Explorer on Windows 11

Added Pin to Start option for menu mode all programs with Win7/Modern style menus

Resolved issue with pinned items set to show on all monitors

Small tweaks to autohide mode to see if it helps with it not working right when no windows are open at all

Resolved notification center appearing in the wrong place on Win11 in certain circumstances

Resolved custom tile PNG loading corrupting the alpha channel

Made right-click open animations 20% quicker

Resolved autohide + center mode on Win11 having screen dirt sometimes

Start11 UI \ About: 2.04

Start11 v2 for Business made available

Resolved Win10 folder mode when using Win11/Pro/Launcher/App style menus causing icons to be placed on top of each other

Resolved unpinning from Start11 not unpinning from OS on some versions of Windows

Resolved Start10 style search showing double entries for Universal apps

Improved filtering on recent documents menus

Resolved issue with sniping tool not showing on taskbar correctly after taking a screenshot with enhanced taskbar enabled

Resolved issue with top aligned taskbar and Win+X menu having an offset for mouseover

Suggested apps now filters for uninstalled apps / missing shortcuts

Suggested apps refresh correctly on app launch now

Resolved recent documents list not refreshing as often as it should for Win11/Pro/App/Launcher menu styles

10) Enhanced Start11 style search to factor in filename and path for apps

Resolved issue with taskbar combining only pinned items causing extra space to be reserved that is not needed

Tweaked everything support to also support 1.5a if installed

Resolved memory leak on reloading the all-apps list

Resolved issue with right-hand side flicker when closing an app when using experimental center mode for the enhanced taskbar

Tweaks to how the taskbar shows over games

Updated build again with a fix for double touch input on the enhanced taskbar when tapping very quickly.

The new feature this enables is the import of settings on login (or explorer restart).  This will zap all settings and replace them with the data in the file provided.
The key for this is SettingsImportPath which takes a full path to a settings backup saved from S11.  This is stored here : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8

Updated French from community submission

Added Portuguese from community submission

Updated Swedish from community submission

ესეც მაგ ბოლო ბილდის რეპაკიც: https://uploadrar.com/hv3dnzgy4io3

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ისე სტარტ11-ში არის გარკვეული სხვაობა ვუზუალში ვინდოუს 10 და 11 შორის, ნუ სტანდარტული ასე გამოიყურება მე რასაც ვხმარობ ხოლმე :


ანუ არეფრეშებს მანდაც ვოლის ფერის მიხედვით ფერებს, მოდერნ მენიუ ასეა რომ დააწვები windows menu მანდვე 


მაგრამ აქვს კიდე ვინდოუს 11 სტილის უფრო ნავაროჩენი ვარიანტები მენიუდან რისი არჩევაც შეგიძლია 


მაგრამ მე მაინც პირველი ძველი ჰიბრიდი მირჩევნია ვინდოუს 7-8-10 მიქსტია ეგ ფაქტიურათ + ეგრე არ დგება დეფოლტზე, შენთვითონ უნდა დაანასტროიკო სეთინგებიდან როგორც უფრო გაწყობს, ჩაურთო ან მოაცილო სერჩი თუნდაც, დაამატო ან გააქრო რაღაც სეთინგები რაც აქვს დეფოლტზე ან არა აქვს, თუმცა მაგეების გაკეთება მაგ სხვა ვარიანტებზეც შეიძლება, მაგრამ სხვანაირათ კეთდება ეგ ყველაფერი და მაგარი მოუხერხებელიცაა, თუმცა მიკა ეფექტი კარგათ გამოიყურება, სხვათაშორის აქვს ძველზეც ეგ ეფექტი მაგრამ მანდ სხვანაირი ვიდი აქვს ბევრათ:


მანდ კიდე ფონტების შენ გემოზე შეცვლა მოსულა და სხვა ტიპის გაფერადებები მაგრამ აღარ მიჩალიჩია, შეგიძლია პანელი და მენიუ კარდინალურათ შეცვალო ვიზუალურათ, რაღაც ეფექტები ემატება, თუმცა მიკას მემგონი ისევ გამჭირვალე ეფექტი აჯობებს არ დამიტესტია მიკაზე ლაგების მხრივ რა ხდება ლონგ რანში, მერე ვცდი მაგასაც, ხო ვისაც ნერვებს უშლის პაუზები რომ აქვს მიკრო ჩაკეცვა-გაშლის დროს და თემის დარეფრეშების დესკტოპზე, რომელიც სუსტ სისტემებზე ლაგებსაც იწვევს აი ეგ ასე ითიშება რეესტრიდან და ავასწრაფე გახსნა-ჩაკეცვის დროც ძალიან:


კიდე მეორე მანდ რაც შევცვალე არის MenuShowDelay 150-ზე ჩამოვწიე 400 მაგივრათ, მაგ ყველაფრის ასწრაფებაში კიდე ეხმარება ეს ტვიკი პოვერ შელიდან "$Process = DWM; $Process.ProcessorAffinity=255" ანუ მაგ კამანდას ვუშვებთ ადმინის უფლებებით პოვერშელში და DWM გადადის realtime პრიორიტეტზე, ისე ჰაიზეა დეფოლტზე ეგ დესკტოპის დასარენდერებელი სერვისი, ხოდა მანდ თამაშებში შეგიძლია ლოუზეც ჩამოწიო ან როცა რამეს უყურებ, კიდე უფრო ნაკლები რესურსები მიაქვს სხვა რაღაცეებს მაგ დროს და ყველაფერი იგრებს და მედია პლეიერს რჩება ანუ აღარ უშლის ხელს და არა აღარაფერი მუშაობს დიდათ მაგის გარდა უკვე, დანარჩენი ჰალასტოი რეჟიმშია და რეალტაიმი ძალიან ეხმარება ბრაუზერში და 4K ვიდეოებში უტუბზე ლაგები შეამცირა მერე კიდე დავტესტავ, დღეს აბა მიკაზე მეყენება როგორც ზემოთ მოვუნიშნე, ლაგებზე მაინტერესებს მანდ რა ხდება , მანდ საქმე იმაშია რომ ვინდოუს 11-ზე შენ გემოზე ვერაფერს ვერ დატვიკვა, ვერაფერს დიდათ ვერ აასწრაფებ ან გააუმჯობესებ პრავკებით, ანუ ან უნდა გამორთო ვიზუალური ეფექტები მთლიანათ აქედან, ან ეფექტების დიდი ნაწილი მაინც, ან ეგრე დატვიკო და გაცილებით შუსტრათ გაზავს მაგის შემდეგ უკვე:


ანუ მე აფსოლიტურათ ყველაფერი მაქვს ჩართული რაც კი შეიძლება ეხლა, მარტო ეგ ასწრაფების ეფექტი ჩავრთე ანიმაციებზე რომ ქონდა პაუზები და ლაგებს იწვევდა, დანარჩენი დავტოვე, დესკტოპზე სლაიდშოუ, გამჭირვალე ეფექტები და სხვა ყველა ვიზუალური ეფექტი დატოვებულია, მაგრამ ეგ ერთი ტვიკი მემგონი მინიმუმ რამდენიმე ეფექტს აიგნორებს ან ცვლის, მაგრამ ვიზუალზე არ მოქმედებს, ანუ არ ითიშება არც კოლირიზაცია არც სხვა ვიზუალური ეფექტები მენიუებში რაც აქვს, მარტო პაუზები მოვაცილე მე ჩაკეცვა-გახსნის დროს რომ ქონდა მიკრო დაპაუზება და ხშირ-ხშირათ რომ იწყებდი ჩაკეცვა-გახსნებს და ბევრი რაღაცეების ერთად გახსნას მერე უჭირდა უკვე ჩემთან, ეხლა აღარ აქვს დიდათ ეგ პრობლემა, გაცილებით კარგი სიტუაციაა, ეგ ტვიკი მიკროსოფტის ფორუმზე ვნახე მე, არც ისე გავრცელებული ტვიკია, მეორე კი ვიცოდი, მაგრამ არც ეგ მუშაობს ნორმალურათ სანამ მაგას არ ჩაურთავ, ანუ MenuShowDelay დაკლება გახსნას არ შველოდა ბოლომდე, მაინც ქონდა სერიოზული პაუზები ჩემთან, მაგ მეორემ უშველა უკვე, DWM რეალტაიმზე გადაყვანა კი უბრალოთ ასწრაფებს დესკტოპის რენდერს და ნაკლები ლაგები აქვს ეგრე უკვე, ყველაფერს უფრო შუსტრათ ხსნის და კეცავს და ექსპლორერიც უფრო კარგათ მუშაობს, შეგიძლია მაგას დაუკლო იგრებში ან როცა რამეს უყურებ მედი პლეიერში, მანდ აბრატნი ეფექტი ქონდეს ხანდახან შეიძლება, უნდა დატესტო და მიხვდები რა ხდება, სტატერი ან მიკროსტატერი ხომ არა აქვს ეგრე, მაგრამ ბრაუზერი კი აასწრაფა ხოშიანათ, ხო ექსპლორერის დაპაჩვა კიდე მუშაობსო, მაგრამ მე აღარ მიცდია, მანდ ფაქტიურათ ვინდოუს 10 ექსპლორერს ბოლომდე აბრუნებს, ყველაფერი ეგრე გამოჩნება როგორც ვინდოუს 10-ში მაგრამ მეეჭვება ეგრე კარგათ მუშაობდეს ეგრე დაპაჩული როგორც იქ, ანუ პრობლემები აქვს და იმაზეა დამოკიდებული რამდენათ გაწუხებს დეფოლტ ვარიანტი ეგ რომ ჩაურთო უკვე, მემგონი არც ისეთი ცუდი სიტუაციაა უკვე მაგ ტვიკების შემდეგ, ექსპლორერზე ვიცი სხვა პრობლემები გამოხტება და მემგონი ფერებიც გაბანძდება ვიდეოებზე და ბრაუზინგში ეგრე ექსპლორერის დაპაჩვით, ანუ მანდ DX სხვა ხმარობს კოლირიზაციისთვის

მოკლეთ ვისაც ლაგები აწუხებს ჩაურთეთ სტარტ11 მენიუს ნასტროიკებში მიკას ეფექტი როგორც მაქვს კსრინზე, გაცილებით შუსტრათ ხსნის მენიუს და ნაკლები ლაგები აქვს ეგრე, ყველაფერი მიკაზეა ეხლა მგონი შეიძლბა ტასკბარზე იყოს გამჭირვალე ეფექტები დარჩენილი მარტო, დანარჩენი მიკაა დანკლები რესურსები ჭირდება სტარტ მენიუს გასახსენლათ მიკაზე, ალბათ მაგიტომ დაამატეს ეგ ახალი ვარიანტიც, აი აქედან ირთვება მოკლეთ ეგ:


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Start11 2.06 beta ბილდი გამოვიდა  რამდენიმე დღის უკან დიდი ჩეინჯლოგით:

Start11 2.06 Changelog

Version updated
UI: 2.06

Resolve a crash on search when not using 3rd party Everything app


Version updated
UI: 2.06

Further tweak to sync pins logic to prevent constant syncing issues for some people.

Resolved issue with everything search results using Start10 style search when in dark mode having black text

Added support for TrafficMonitor taskbar integration when using an enhanced taskbar.  When using non-enhanced mode the taskbar buttons will go under it if the taskbar is full, this is a limitation in how that utility works on Windows 11 with or without Start11.  With an enhanced mode taskbar, this will not happen.

Adjusted combined taskbar buttons in Win10 style to stop the line at the bottom of multiple items merging together

Detects SAB handling taskbar and will disable all Start11 taskbar features to ensure compatibility

The last mouse-highlighted item on the start menu is correctly reset on the menu reopen now

Resolved wrong text color in some situations on mouseover of all programs list when very slightly off the selected folder

Resolved a small resource leak with tile images in some situations

Resolved some small potential memory leaks

Further tweaks to sync pins logic for triggering

Added option for autohide to reserve 1 pixel of screen space if people encounter issues

Removes improper shortcuts that were installed with Start11 2.05


Stardock Start11.lnk

Laguage Updates

The 8 supported languages have been updated with unreviewed translations for the new en.lng block. For the history and to contribute, please see:
https://github.com/StardockCorp/Stardock-Software-Localization/commits/main/Apps/Start-Products/Start11 v2

Version updated
UI: 2.06

Beta released on Stardock and Steam

NEW * Added toggle for autohide on taskbar right-click menu

NEW * Added new option to set a tab as the default tab to show in a group regardless of the last tab open

NEW * Added universal apps, all apps, and steam apps as options for quick access shortcut menu links

Resolved issue with right-click menus on taskbar showing separators one menu item lower than it should

Added string registry key to disable the above HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8  S11_ShowAutoHideOnTaskbar = 1

Added string registry key to use Win32 menus on right click on the taskbar to allow third party extension of the menu. Use HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8    S11_UseOldRightClickMenus = 1

Resolved issue with some pinned items on Win10/11/Apps/Launcher/Pro menus not showing Jumplists when they can on right-click

Adjusted small mode taskbar to better position overlay icon

Adjusted small mode taskbar with Win10 style buttons to ensure the selection indicator line is always visible

Improved automatic detection of Touch mode taskbar

Resolved excess rounding of tile images when using Win10 style

Resolved alpha channel issue when resizing some tile images smaller

Resolved issue with some groups not correctly showing in the Pin to submenu

Improved drag & drop of icons in groups

Stopped read-only groups from allowing you to drag icons over each other when shift is held down

Option to open on all apps page now works on Windows Pro and Windows Launcher styles

Resolved "Use a custom menu background" option showing as disabled on open of config even when enabled

Resolved issue with custom accent color impacting Win10 item text on mouseover

Resolved issue with some custom accent colors causing invisible icons on mouseover on quick access shortcut list, all programs list folders, shutdown button

Windows 10 style more button links shown in search results now look like buttons matching the look on the other styles

Icons will now swap to dark options (where provided) when a custom accent colour is in use that requires it on mouseover

Resolved issue with taskbar shortcuts that have been deleted by the user or an uninstaller incorrectly (vs being unpinned) showing as unremovable white icons on the taskbar in enhanced taskbar mode.  The icons will now remain and they can be removed by right click unpin for all new cases and old ones will simply no longer show at all.

Swapping taskbar touch mode / not no longer requires an explorer restart

Resolved issue with custom menu background not correctly painting after menu swaps from one dpi screen to another

Stopped all apps list on Windows App style menu from taking mouse focus when a menu overlapped that window sometimes

Tweaked Start11 autohide mode to no longer reserve any space at the bottom of the screen.  This does mean the very bottom pixel of a maximized app isn't clickable, but this shouldn't be an issue as click targets should never be so small.

Tweaked overlay icon on taskbar buttons to be slightly bigger to match Windows 11 unless using small taskbar size

Resolved issue with taskbar thumbnail popups not always showing again after a primary monitor swap

Resolved issue with right-click menus on taskbar showing separators one menu item lower than it should

Added toggle for autohide on taskbar right-click menu

Added string registry key to disable the above HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8  S11_ShowAutoHideOnTaskbar = 1

Added string registry key to use Win32 menus on right-click on the taskbar to allow third-party extension of the menu. Use HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8    S11_UseOldRightClickMenus = 1

Resolved issue with some pinned items on Win10/11/Apps/Launcher/Pro menus not showing Jump lists when they can on right-click

Resolved hang issue when Win11/App/Pro/Launcher start menu has no groups that are not read only. This could have happened in other situations but this was the particular one found.

Resolved issue with Import settings on login Business edition feature not working correctly in all situations

Resolved issue with restore settings in config not telling Start11 to reload the groups if the menu mode was the same 

Also resolved an issue with the experimental load tile images option loading white images for apps like MS word etc.

რეპაკს რაც შეეხება გამოსულია ჯერ მარტო 9 თებერვლის ბილდი, ანუ, აღარ დაუდიათ 15 თებერვალს რაც გამოვიდა: https://uploadrar.com/kymkicc02l4g

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სხვათაშორის ამ დღეებში გამოუშვეს ძველი ბილდების აპდეიტებიც:

Start11 v1.50 https://forums.stardock.com/525681/start11-150-release-feedback-thread

Start10 1.98 https://forums.stardock.com/526180/start10-198-release-feedback-thread


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Start11 2.06 beta ახალი აპდეიტი გამოვიდა შემდეგი ჩეინჯლოგით:

Start11 2.06 Changelog
Version updated:
UI: 2.06


Stardock and Steam


Resolved '&' showing in the right-click file properties menu on some systems

Added translation support for (page 1) etc on pinned menu

Resolved software re-adding pinned items group when the page only contained read-only groups

Resolved extra All Apps link showing in certain edge case situations when using Win11/Win11 Pro/Launcher menu styles.

Resolved UK English showing on US installs incorrectly

Resolved issue with everything search results showing white text with Win7 menu style and dark taskbar with accent color used on the taskbar when using Start10 style search

Resolved issue with Start11 search mode for apps not being aware of accents.  This has been changed to match the rest of the search and all accents are now ignored entirely by default.  Creating the registry key S11_AlwaysStripAccentsInSearch and giving it a value of "0" will match accents but in a case-insensitive way now.

Resolves issue with an incorrect version of English appearing in the config menu.

Language Updates

One string to the lng file and supported languages updated internally and on GitHub
https://github.com/StardockCorp/Stardock-Software-Localization/commits/main/Apps/Start-Products/Start11 v2

რეპაკი ჯერ არ ჩანს მაგ ბოლო ბეტა ბილდებზე, ზემოთ რომ ლინკი დავაგდე ეგ 9 თებერვლის ვერსიაა მარტო, გაანახლებენ ალბათ მოგვიანებით

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  • 3 weeks later...

Start 11 2.06.04 ფინალური ბილდიც გამოვიდა თებერვლის ბოლოს შემდეგი ჩეინჯლოგით:

Start11 2.06 Changelog (Released 02/28/2024)
General release


Stardock and Steam

Version updated:
UI: 2.06

Platforms: Stardock and Steam


A fix for the blank universal app icons when new accounts.  

Resolved issue with page not translating in all places

Resolved issue introduced in earlier betas when removing a universal app from the recent apps list on Win7/Modern menu styles

Win7/Modern menus use the old UWA popup menu for universal apps now, in10/Win11/App/Launcher/Pro menus use the new

New universal apps menu filtering tweaked slightly

Added registry key to hide > on Win7/Modern menus so jumplists do not show.  Create this in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8  called  S11_HideJumpListOnWin7ModernMenus = 1

Resolved overlapping tooltips on tray expansion when the taskbar is at the top of the screen on Windows 11

Resolved universal apps popup menu being empty sometimes

Removed incorrect right-click menu on universal apps list

Language Updates

Updated Spanish
Credit: FJMatad

Version updated:
UI: 2.06


Stardock and Steam


Resolved '&' showing in the right-click file properties menu on some systems

Added translation support for (page 1) etc on pinned menu

Resolved software re-adding pinned items group when the page only contained read-only groups

Resolved extra All Apps link showing in certain edge case situations when using Win11/Win11 Pro/Launcher menu styles.

Resolved UK English showing on US installs incorrectly

Resolved issue with everything search results showing white text with Win7 menu style and dark taskbar with accent color used on the taskbar when using Start10 style search

Resolved issue with Start11 search mode for apps not being aware of accents.  This has been changed to match the rest of the search and all accents are now ignored entirely by default.  Creating the registry key S11_AlwaysStripAccentsInSearch and giving it a value of "0" will match accents but in a case-insensitive way now.

Resolves issue with an incorrect version of English appearing in the config menu.

Language Updates

One string to the lng file and supported languages updated internally and on GitHub
https://github.com/StardockCorp/Stardock-Software-Localization/commits/main/Apps/Start-Products/Start11 v2

Version updated
UI: 2.06


Stardock and Steam


Resolve a crash on search when not using 3rd party Everything app


Version updated
UI: 2.06

Further tweak to sync pins logic to prevent constant syncing issues for some people.

Resolved issue with everything search results using Start10 style search when in dark mode having black text

Added support for TrafficMonitor taskbar integration when using an enhanced taskbar.  When using non-enhanced mode the taskbar buttons will go under it if the taskbar is full, this is a limitation in how that utility works on Windows 11 with or without Start11.  With an enhanced mode taskbar, this will not happen.

Adjusted combined taskbar buttons in Win10 style to stop the line at the bottom of multiple items merging together

Detects SAB handling taskbar and will disable all Start11 taskbar features to ensure compatibility

The last mouse-highlighted item on the start menu is correctly reset on the menu reopen now

Resolved wrong text color in some situations on mouseover of all programs list when very slightly off the selected folder

Resolved a small resource leak with tile images in some situations

Resolved some small potential memory leaks

Further tweaks to sync pins logic for triggering

Added option for autohide to reserve 1 pixel of screen space if people encounter issues

Removes improper shortcuts that were installed with Start11 2.05


Stardock Start11.lnk

Laguage Updates

The 8 supported languages have been updated with unreviewed translations for the new en.lng block. For the history and to contribute, please see:
https://github.com/StardockCorp/Stardock-Software-Localization/commits/main/Apps/Start-Products/Start11 v2

Version updated
UI: 2.06

Beta released on Stardock and Steam

NEW * Added toggle for autohide on taskbar right-click menu

NEW * Added new option to set a tab as the default tab to show in a group regardless of the last tab open

NEW * Added universal apps, all apps, and steam apps as options for quick access shortcut menu links

Resolved issue with right-click menus on taskbar showing separators one menu item lower than it should

Added string registry key to disable the above HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8  S11_ShowAutoHideOnTaskbar = 1

Added string registry key to use Win32 menus on right click on the taskbar to allow third party extension of the menu. Use HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8    S11_UseOldRightClickMenus = 1

Resolved issue with some pinned items on Win10/11/Apps/Launcher/Pro menus not showing Jumplists when they can on right-click

Adjusted small mode taskbar to better position overlay icon

Adjusted small mode taskbar with Win10 style buttons to ensure the selection indicator line is always visible

Improved automatic detection of Touch mode taskbar

Resolved excess rounding of tile images when using Win10 style

Resolved alpha channel issue when resizing some tile images smaller

Resolved issue with some groups not correctly showing in the Pin to submenu

Improved drag & drop of icons in groups

Stopped read-only groups from allowing you to drag icons over each other when shift is held down

Option to open on all apps page now works on Windows Pro and Windows Launcher styles

Resolved "Use a custom menu background" option showing as disabled on open of config even when enabled

Resolved issue with custom accent color impacting Win10 item text on mouseover

Resolved issue with some custom accent colors causing invisible icons on mouseover on quick access shortcut list, all programs list folders, shutdown button

Windows 10 style more button links shown in search results now look like buttons matching the look on the other styles

Icons will now swap to dark options (where provided) when a custom accent colour is in use that requires it on mouseover

Resolved issue with taskbar shortcuts that have been deleted by the user or an uninstaller incorrectly (vs being unpinned) showing as unremovable white icons on the taskbar in enhanced taskbar mode.  The icons will now remain and they can be removed by right click unpin for all new cases and old ones will simply no longer show at all.

Swapping taskbar touch mode / not no longer requires an explorer restart

Resolved issue with custom menu background not correctly painting after menu swaps from one dpi screen to another

Stopped all apps list on Windows App style menu from taking mouse focus when a menu overlapped that window sometimes

Tweaked Start11 autohide mode to no longer reserve any space at the bottom of the screen.  This does mean the very bottom pixel of a maximized app isn't clickable, but this shouldn't be an issue as click targets should never be so small.

Tweaked overlay icon on taskbar buttons to be slightly bigger to match Windows 11 unless using small taskbar size

Resolved issue with taskbar thumbnail popups not always showing again after a primary monitor swap

Resolved issue with right-click menus on taskbar showing separators one menu item lower than it should

Added toggle for autohide on taskbar right-click menu

Added string registry key to disable the above HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8  S11_ShowAutoHideOnTaskbar = 1

Added string registry key to use Win32 menus on right-click on the taskbar to allow third-party extension of the menu. Use HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8    S11_UseOldRightClickMenus = 1

Resolved issue with some pinned items on Win10/11/Apps/Launcher/Pro menus not showing Jump lists when they can on right-click

Resolved hang issue when Win11/App/Pro/Launcher start menu has no groups that are not read only. This could have happened in other situations but this was the particular one found.

Resolved issue with Import settings on login Business edition feature not working correctly in all situations

Resolved issue with restore settings in config not telling Start11 to reload the groups if the menu mode was the same 

Also resolved an issue with the experimental load tile images option loading white images for apps like MS word etc.

Language localization updates

Chinese - Simplified:

ნუ მანდ ყველა ბეტების ჩეინჯლოგია გაერთიანებული 2.06 ვერსიიდან მოყოლებული რაც გამოვიდა, დაიდო მალევე რეპაკიც მაგ ბოლო განახლების: https://uploadrar.com/gabf9xhzknlt

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რამდენიმე დღის უკან Start 11 2.07 ბეტა ბილდი დაიდო შემდეგი ჩეინჯლოგით: 

Start11 v2.07 Changelog

UI: 2.07



Stardock and Steam


Address some search issues in user report: https://forums.stardock.com/526660/obscure-quick-search-behavior-in-start11-v2

Resolved some search issues with the path being included in full by mistake when performing matching.

Also added registry key S11_UseMostRecentRunForSearchTerm which when created in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8 and set to "0" will stop Start11 promoting the most recently run app for a given search term


UI: 2.07



Stardock and Steam


Resolved Win7/Modern menu vanishing on certain scaling factors when entering search mode or expanding for jumplists

Modified taskbar handling so if a jumplist is open it will not get closed by a thumbnail popup on Win11 with enhanced mode taskbar

Adds in checkbox to control if the autohide option on the right-click taskbar menu should show or not.  Only visible in UI when on Win11 and when enhanced taskbar is enabled.

Tweaks to taskbar animations

Tweaks to universal app icon loading and launching to handle a possible edge case

Resolved autohide on top aligned secondary taskbar not always allowing maximized windows to fill all the space

Resolved autohidden taskbar on secondary monitor not updating enhanced taskbar contents for changes that happened whilst the taskbar was hidden

Adjusted the height of the small taskbar when using Win10 style buttons to be slightly taller so the clock isn't clipped

Resolved potential loop paint issue with the taskbar on initial startup when in enhanced taskbar mode

Resolved a taskbar icon load issue on initial startup on some machines for pinned items / combined groups

Resolved a timing-related deadlock on login

Resolved issue with top autohide taskbar not always allowing maximizing on the entire screen

Tweak to startup code to workaround a potential deadlock issue

Resolved changing icon for the universal apps menu on the quick links menu

Resolved issue with timing sensitivity detecting SAB which caused S11 to disable features when it didn't need to

Resolved the possibility of an issue with clicking the shutdown button performing a default action in error on Win10/11/App styles rather than showing a menu

Resolved missing menu icons on keyboard opening of shutdown menu when using Windows 7/Modern menus

Stopped shutdown menu auto-expanding on the right-hand side for Win10/11/Pro/Launcher/App styles as was not supposed to.  Adding S11_AutoExpandShutdownOtherStyles = 1 to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8 would enable it for other menu styles

Resolved appwiz.cpl and similar links going missing in S11 search, but not S10 style search

Resolved potential crashes when searching for files in the path

Resolved thumbnail vertical offset when using on-top autohide taskbar

Resolved right-click jumplist vertical offset when using on-top autohide taskbar

Resolved issue with Win+X not always working correctly with the mouse when using an always-on-top autohide taskbar

Resolved potential resource leak for taskbar icons

Tweaks to taskbar icon handling

Resolved pinned taskbar menus overlapping the taskbar when used with a top autohide taskbar


Polish updated: Credit: BartoszJedynak

Japanese updated. Credit: DiGS-O5

Added cs.lng and updated cs-cz. Credit: ludan84

One new string was added to en.lng. Installed file updated as well as the GH repository for the Stardock supported languages.

რეპაკი ჯერ არ დაუდიათ

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დაიდო მაგ ბოლო ბილდის რეპაკიც: https://uploadrar.com/58rnejqll25g

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