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Everything posted by king-pin

  1. amis bevrad mokled chawerac sheidzleba: function (e, target) { var val = ""; switch (MyGeoEngKbd.KAGeo) { case "geo": var options = "abgdevzTiklmnopJrstufqRySCcZwWxjh"; var x = options.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode)); if (x != -1) val = String.fromCharCode(x + 4304); else { val = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); } break; case "eng": var val = ""; val = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); break; } if (target.selectionStart == target.value.length) { target.value += val; } else { var index = target.selectionStart; var first = target.value.substring(0, index); var second = target.value.substring(index); target.value = first; target.value += val; target.value += second; target.selectionEnd = ++index; } es ki javascript-is kodia, magram mgoni ar gagichirdeba garcheva, tu rame kitxva geqneba dawere saitistvis alt+shift-it gadayvanis gareshe qartulad rom dawero, magis nawilia
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